The skin cells are based on moisturizing to function properly. However, with age – exposure to external harm, lifestyle, personal and skin care habits – the skin tends to lose it’s natural water retaining capacity. The mission of CLINICCARE™ is to help the skin regenerate it’s natural moisture. In this sense, our moisturizing lotions are the perfect solution for this problem.
Contains a high concentration (5%) of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. This serum replenishes the skin, helps maintain it’s firmness, increases the aged skin’s elasticity, assists the forming new collagen and elastin fibers, stimulates the skin’s microcirculation and protects the skin against the aging process. It may be used instead of the active vials during professional treatments.
Loţiune hidratantă cu conţinut crescut de antioxidanţi. Ridică nivelul de hidratare a tenului şi reduce liniile fine. Conţinutul de anti-oxidanţi, vitamina E și Beta Glucan-ul ajută la protejarea pielii de efectele cauzate de agenţii din mediul înconjurător. Efectul calmant se datorează conţinutului de Alantoină şi Centella Asiatica, iar datorita continutului de Acidul Hialuronic ajută la reducerea semnelor îmbătrânirii premature a pielii creând un aspect ferm şi neted. Deasemenea, este un produs excelent pentru tratamente faciale cu aparate de radiofrecvenţă bipolare şi multipolare.
Silky 2-in-1 “Vitamin C” Gel, that can be used as a gelatinous cream or as a hydrating lotion. Studies have proven the antioxidant properties of the vitamin c. It also helps reduce fine lines, scars and wrinkles. The vitamin c stimulates the collagen synthesis and helps the treatment of pigmentation problems.
The skin’s texture becomes refined, regaining it’s lost freshness and brightness. This gel has a stress relief and antioxidant effect. Offers an efficient rejuvenation, improves the skin’s elasticity, the resistance to external factors, activates the stem cells and remakes the cellular metabolism. This is the reason it is used for the preparation of the skin for ulterior treatments.
Silky 2-in-1 Gel “Ceramide” can be used as a gelatinous cream or as a moisturizing mask. Studies have proven that deteriorated and dry skin is linked to reduced ceramide levels. This 2 in 1 gel contributes to and increases the skin’s moisture retaining capacity.
The skin’s texture becomes refined, regaining it’s lost freshness and brightness. This gel has a stress relief and antioxidant effect. Offers an efficient rejuvenation, improves the skin’s elasticity, the resistance to external factors, activates the stem cells and remakes the cellular metabolism. This is the reason it is used for the preparation of the skin for ulterior treatments.